Agent Actions

Agent Actions

What's an Action?

An Action in the Starknet Agent Kit is a task that an agent can perform. Actions are implemented as tools with defined schemas and execution logic. Each action represents a specific capability, like transferring tokens or checking balances. These tools are static and implemented by developers to ensure desired and secure Agent behavior.

Storage and Implementation

Tool Registry System

Actions are stored and managed through a central registry system in lib/agent/tools.ts. Each action is registered as a tool with:

  • name: A unique name
  • description: The tool description for the model to understand it's behavior
  • schema: Input schema (using Zod) for the model to understand which parameters it should extract from the request
  • execute: The function that will be executed by LangChain
// Example tool registration
  name: "transfer",
  description: "Transfer ERC20 tokens to a specific address",
  schema: Transferschema,
  execute: transfer,

Plugin Architecture

Each protocol has its own directory under lib/agent/plugins/ with a standardized structure for organization.

└── [protocol-name]/
    ├── abis/         # Protocol-specific ABIs
    ├── actions/      # Protocol actions
    ├── utils/        # Utility functions
    ├── constant/     # Constants and addresses
    ├── interface/    # Interfaces and schemas
    └── types/        # Type definitions

Interacting with Actions

There are currently four ways to run actions through your agents:

The kit is available as an NPM package that you can import in your projects to leverage agent actions.

Install Package

npm install starknet-agent-kit

Choose Integration Method

You can integrate the kit using either the Agent interface or individual tools:

Option A: Agent Interface

import { StarknetAgent } from "starknet-agent-kit";
const agent = new StarknetAgent({
  aiProviderApiKey: "your-key",
  aiModel: "claude-3-5-sonnet-latest",
  provider: rpcProvider,
  accountPublicKey: "your-public-key",
  accountPrivateKey: "your-private-key",
// Execute actions using natural language
await agent.execute("Transfer 5 USDC to 0x123...");

Option B: Individual Tools

import { getBalance, transfer, swapTokens } from "starknet-agent-kit";
// Use tools individually
const balance = await getBalance(address);
const transferResult = await transfer(recipient, amount);

Available Actions Catalog

Explore plugins

You can explore the implemented plugins and their available actions directly in the source code under src/lib/agent/plugins (opens in a new tab) or through our high-level plugin interface.

Plugins (opens in a new tab)

Extended Capabilities

To add action capabilities, you can either leverage LangChain tools or add your own custom Plugins and Actions.